Monday 1 June 2009

In a dark night...

In a dark night
I left here my soul

At first it was hard to find
But it was not hard to carry
Because it wasn’t frozen

When I fall into an endless sleep
I want you to shut my eyes
When I fall to the forgotten
I want you to hold me in your arms

Yesterday the silence spoke
I never heard such beautiful words

The white dove flew over our heads
And covered us with some magic spell
The bow stuck in our hearts simply disappeared

When I started to cry
You wiped my tears
And took me to your heart

I held on my hand the world
I covered it with a flag
A flag made off peace
To represent what we all are looking for

Why not open the golden case?
It has the key to what we’re looking for
We’re looking for nothings
We opened it and it had nothing more than emptiness

In a dark night I left here my soul
The magic man said it didn’t belong to me
It doesn’t belong to no one
Because what I am, is made of it
Here I am, again about to fall and to rise