Wednesday 8 April 2009

Let me be me

Pain from my inner depths is becoming superficial
Today the inside wound that hurts
The feeling that doesn’t heal

Tomorrow something new
Another tear to shed

Leaving all my purposes
What’s the matter to hate
When you’re going to lose someone you love

Why so much hate, so much sadness
Why are we so human

Looking for that answer
But I don’t like the search

Again hitting the head against the wall
Cursing about everybody
Leaving life behind
For a living death

No one ever knows
I don’t doubt about existence
I only doubt why it had to happen to me

I always questioned the life but I never really looked for an answer
Maybe I just don’t know what to ask

I say what is unspeakable
So no one ever understands me
Lone again I walk through the thorns

Let me live
Let me die
Let me feel
Let me be cold
Let me be me…


Mike said...

When I read this, I feel a wrenching, raw emptiness inside of me. Really powerful poem!

Daniel said...

this poem bring to me a question that everyone should make to ourselves...Am i being me? or just a created image to the other people