Saturday 1 August 2009

Now You're Gone

So much to say
But not many words to describe
Since you’ve gone my willing to live almost disappeared

These mysteries of life
So hard to understand
Took you to the other side

Maybe there it’s better, who knows?
Maybe because of that life shouldn’t be forever
Will we ever be close
To find out the truth about the universe

At least I know that there you won’t feel pain anymore
Maybe I’ll find you one day in Heaven if I deserve

When I felt that your heart was not beating I lost a part of mine
When I saw you where not breathing, the air almost didn’t reach my lungs
Sometimes I just can’t believe it happened

He called you
He took you away from me
I know you’re painless now, maybe better there
But I still need you so much

That day, I wanted to die
I cried until my eyes hurt
I felt somehow empty
And the most scary thing is that I won’t ever see you again, hear your voice again, be with you again

That day darkness filled my eyes and never left
It’s case to say we were born to suffer
Because until now it’s almost all I’ve been experiencing

I’m sad
Sometimes I drown in a sea of tears
Because there is nothing I can do to have you back
So I just can cry for you and remember the good times

I couldn’t save you
It was like a fire inside you burning you slowly and anybody could extinguish it
When you saw the smoke it was too late
It was your body against you

The journey is now over for you
And every day I miss you even more

But never goodbye from my heart
I love you dad, so much


1 comment:

Mike said...

Susie, such a moving poem. I hope you and your family are doing well and coping OK with this horrible loss.