Tuesday 4 August 2009

Sometimes the angel, Sometimes the devil

I’m sometimes the angel
So divine
So pure and full of light
Eager to find a proposal to life

The angel that opens its’ wings and starts to fly
So sure that nothing wrong will get it
An angel sent to make sun light reach the eyes

But so much heat burnt its’ wings
The angel has fallen from the skies
And suddenly someone started to cry

I’m sometimes the devil
So wrong and so mad with life
Someone that makes its’ own life a hell
That burns the good

The angel lost its’ wings and can’t fly no more
The dream is so far as the sky
I can’t reach it now
There are no stairways to heaven, only highways to hell

The angel so sad about the lost closed itself into its’ own existence
The devil got mad, the fire reached everything
They all melted in the flames until their existence disappeared

I was the only one left
Abandoned to my mind and heart
Now I have to find my own meaning to life

1 comment:

Mike said...

Great, simple metaphors. I like the parallel structure that you used here too.